Suzanne Beecher
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2023 First Place Winner: Susan Grant

Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading me ! ( I’ve always wanted to say that )

THE TRAM TICKET…..a love story

The year was probably 1941. It may have been the first time they met.

As the story goes, he gave Lisette a tramway ticket because she didn’t have one, and it was later than she expected and she needed to get home. On subsequent meetings, Lisette often attempted to return the ticket but George always refused. She was fiercely independent and wanted to owe nothing.

They would begin to date and she started up a cross country skiing club that she called LE CLUB DE SKI CHATTANOOGA, in reference to the very popular song at the time called Chattanooga Choo Choo.

When they married in Montreal the following year, he told her in jest that if ever she wanted to get rid of him, she had only to return the ticket and he’d know what it means.

Years went by and at their 50th wedding anniversary, the story came up again. George addressed the invited guests at the Hélène de Champlain restaurant on Sainte Hélène’s Island, and thanked his beloved Lisette for all their years together and ended with the statement "I guess I’m OK for another few years because she still hasn’t returned the tram ticket she owes me".

It is now November 1998 and Lisette is in palliative care. She is so serene and seems to accept better than all of us that this is the end.

She appears anxious to share something with me and so as soon as we are alone she says: "Susan, you’ll never guess!! I was emptying my wallet earlier today, getting rid of useless cards and papers, and guess what I found! I found the famous ticket that I’ve always kept."

I let out a shout!

I had heard the story so many times over the years, that I almost knew where this story was going. It seemed so right and appropriate.

"Did you give it back to daddy?"

"Oh yes!" she smiled, " I tried to, but he refused it….again".

-- Susan Grant